Michele Guimond | VP of Marketing, MEC | Developing strong teams and community-driven brands

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“I don't really view my own successes as my own. If I had one superpower, it's about hiring people that are smarter than me and let 'em fly, you know? Giving them the tools and the right environment for them to win because that's what everybody wants, ultimately.”
—  Michele Guimond

As an avid backcountry skier, downhill mountain biker, and trail runner, it only makes sense that Michele Guimond found her way to working at MEC. After spending a little over a decade travelling abroad, Michele graduated from Emily Carr University of Art + Design and pursued a career in retail marketing. 

Over the next few years, she led marketing at top-tier retail brands during periods of rapid growth. Ultimately leading her to MEC, where she is responsible for sharing the MEC brand with the world.

In this episode, Michele shares her experiences building community brands and strategies for effective leadership.

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Michele Guimond | VP of Marketing, MEC | Developing strong teams and community-driven brands
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