Lesley-Anne Scorgie | Founder & Wealth Coach, MeVest | Revamping your money mindset: Cultivating financial confidence and self-love

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“Of course make your debt reduction a priority, but over here you also need to start learning to love yourself enough to put money aside for your future. And that is an act of self-love.”
—  Lesley-Anne Scorgie

Lesley-Anne Scorgie’s passion for personal finance ignited at a young age. At just ten years old, she took a hundred-dollar birthday gift from her grandparents and made her first investment by purchasing a Canada Savings Bond. 

As Lesley-Anne’s financial literacy grew, so did her ambition. By the age of fourteen, she had already begun investing in mutual funds, setting her on a path to becoming a millionaire by the age of twenty-five.

In this episode, Lesley-Anne offers valuable advice on shifting your mindset about money, emphasizing the importance of establishing consistent money habits to ensure long-term financial security and success.

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Creators and Guests

Lesley-Anne Scorgie | Founder & Wealth Coach, MeVest | Revamping your money mindset: Cultivating financial confidence and self-love
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