Ilya Brotzky | Founder & CEO, VanHack | Reshaping tech talent acquisition and fostering global connections

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“Another thing the best companies are doing is just moving fast or being very clear in the interview process.”
—  Ilya Brotzky

While working in Brazil, Ilya Brotzky joined a startup accelerator that aimed to connect American invcestors with Brazilian startups. Immersed in the startup culture, he observed a pool of skilled Brazilian developers wanting to move to Canada but facing language and soft skills barriers.

Upon his 2014 return to Vancouver and in the midst of his own job search, he identified a demand for developers but the lack of supply in Canada. Drawing from his Brazilian experience, he started an online school to teach developers English which quickly evolved into VanHack, a talent and recruitment platform. Now, with over 370,000 members across 100+ countries, VanHack strives to create a borderless world for tech talent.

Here are some highlights from the episode:
  • Creating defined career paths is crucial for preventing employee stagnation and offering a clear sense of direction within the organization.
  • Offering engaging challenges sustains employee motivation and growth, while nurturing both personal and professional development.
  • A clear mission and compelling purpose in an organization motivate candidates and foster deeper engagement in their roles.

Looking for more?
Discover more about VanHack here.
Follow them on LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.

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Creators and Guests

Ilya Brotzky | Founder & CEO, VanHack | Reshaping tech talent acquisition and fostering global connections
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