Manoj Jasra | Chief Marketing & Digital Officer, Northland Properties Group | Championing change and driving digital transformation in hospitality

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“I think having change agents and catalysts within the organization who drive that behavior and shift in mindset [is] critical."
— Manoj Jasra

Manoj Jasra is a master of digital marketing and transformation. With over 20 years of experience across several sectors, he has implemented successful digital and ecommerce strategies for iconic Canadian brands including WestJet and Shaw Communications. Now at Northland Properties, Manoj is spearheading marketing and digital transformation strategy across their portfolio of brands. 

100% Canadian owned and operated, Northland Properties is recognized as one of the most trusted names in hospitality and continuously creates unforgettable experiences. They are the force behind such brands as Sandman Hotel Group, The Sutton Place Hotels, Moxies, Chop Steakhouse & Bar, Denny’s Restaurants, Revelstoke Mountain Resort, and more.

Here are some highlights from the episode:

  • Seize opportunities, don’t wait for them to come to you
  • Sometimes a quick win can create momentum on a large project
  • What it takes to be a change agent and drive digital transformation in the hospitality industry
  • Why reimagining loyalty programs is key to amplifying customer engagement


Looking for more?
Discover more about Northland Properties and their portfolio of brands here.
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Creators and Guests

Jeff Adamson
Jeff Adamson
Co-Founder of Neo Financial & SkipTheDishes
Manoj Jasra
Chief Marketing & Digital Officer at Northland Properties Group
Manoj Jasra | Chief Marketing & Digital Officer, Northland Properties Group | Championing change and driving digital transformation in hospitality
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